July 15, 2016


A huge part of the marine mammal internship is learning about and caring for the manatees! The Seas is home to 2 West Indian Manatees, Lil Joe and Lou. We are a manatee rehabilitation center, which means both of our manatees are rescued and we hope to eventually release them back into the wild. Lou was rescued after a boat strike accident and Lil Joe was originally rescued as an orphan. Usually the interns cover the manatee stage. We are there to feed the manatees, make behavioral observations, answer guest questions, and make sure that both the guests and the manatees remain safe. We also give spiels twice an hour (unless another presentation is happening) where we talk for about 10 minutes on microphone about manatees.

My spiel begins by introducing the manatees and I talk about how to tell the difference between them. I then go into how we are a manatee rehabilitation center and how/why the manatees were rescued. I talk about what manatees eat and who their closest relative is (it's an elephant!). From there I go on to explain how manatees are marine mammals and talk about the 5 characteristics of a mammal and how manatees exhibit all of those. Finally, I wrap up with a conservation message about how it's illegal to interact with a wild manatee and what people can do to help manatees! Even though it's only been a few weeks, I already feel very comfortable giving my spiel and answering questions about the manatees. I've also had a lot of great, informative conversations with guests (with the occasional 'where is the bathroom' question thrown in as well)!

I've loved learning about the manatees and getting to be a part of their daily care. It's been a great experience and I'm excited to learn and experience even more during this dream internship! If you have any questions about the manatees, feel free to let me know in the comments below and definitely come check them out at The Seas with Nemo and Friends in Epcot!


  1. Tell Lil Joe and Lou I said hello!

    1. I absolutely will! Hope to see you down here for a visit sometime soon!
