June 13, 2016

The Gathering, Traditions, Welcome to Ops, and Epcot Discovery Day

If you're wondering what my life has consisted of the past few days, it's been a lot of business casual clothing, training classes, and park tours! I'm in full swing with my training for the marine mammal internship and it has been a hectic few days!

The first major event I attended was the ASE (Animals, Science, and the Environment) Gathering. This was an opportunity to meet the fellow ASE interns, meet the talent management team and leaders, and get our training schedules! It was fun to meet everyone and it felt like the official "start" to my internship!

A few days later I had Traditions, which is Cast Members' official welcome to the Disney Company! It's a four hour class at Disney University where you learn about the heritage of the Disney Company, the Disney way, and the keys to Disney's success. This was my second time taking Traditions, so I knew what to expect, but it was still a pretty nice day. We also got to go to the Magic Kingdom to "observe" Cast Members working in action! That's definitely my favorite part of the day because we get to go in backstage Magic Kingdom and see the utilidors (the tunnels) and also get to be in the parks and enjoy the atmosphere! We also received our Company IDs and our name-tags. Getting my name-tag was great, especially because the big cheese (Mickey Mouse!) hand delivered them to us! After Traditions I went over to the Epcot Cast Services Center where I met some of The Seas Cast Members who helped me get my costume and gave me and the other interns a tour of The Seas!

The next day was a full day of classes at Disney University. My day started with Welcome to Operations, which was a 4 hour class about being an operations Cast Member. Operations Cast Members include, ASE, custodial, merchandise, transportation, resort, attractions, entertainment, and several other areas. Honestly, Welcome to Operations was not my favorite class. I felt like a lot of the information was stuff I already knew from being Cast Member before and it was just a really long and tedious class. Luckily, after lunch I got to go to a new class, which was Welcome to ASE. This one was much better because the information actually applied directly to my internship. The class was taught by two zookeepers at Animal Kingdom and they kept it interesting by telling funny stories and sharing their Disney journeys with us.

Finally, today was Discovery Day at Epcot. No matter what your location is at the Walt Disney World Resort, you will always have a location orientation day where you learn about the property. At Epcot, this is called Discovery Day. This was my third park orientation (I've done DAKlimation and On with the Show), and it was definitely the best one yet! I felt like I learned so much more about Epcot and had a blast doing it. For instance, did you know that the dancing fountain behind Spaceship Earth has water from every country represented in the World Showcase in it? Each world leader brought water from their respective countries to the dedication of Epcot and placed it in the fountain symbolically tying all of the countries of the world together. During Discovery Day we also got to ride Spaceship Earth (for research, of course!) and we took a boat tour of the World Showcase. We also learned about culture and how Epcot is unique in that it brings people from all different cultures together with one common goal - to create happiness for guests! There were even a few surprises during the park tour that I do not want to ruin for others, but let's just say that it was a great morning and I really felt welcomed into the Epcot Community!

After Discovery Day ended, I had On the Job Training at The Seas for the first time. I tried on my dive gear, learned Animal Care do's and dont's, discussed professional organizations tied to The Seas, covered Dive Safety and a bunch of other important information! I also got my training schedule for next week, when I will actually begin my marine mammal duties. Today was definitely my favorite day of training, simply because I learned the most!

I'm looking forward to finishing up the rest of my classroom training so that I can begin learning my actual duties as a marine mammal intern! Keep checking back for more updates on the rest of my training and the start of work with the marine mammal team!!

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